The word from the servant of the Lord: Verily verily, thus spake the shepherd unto the faithful: Blessed shall thee be if thou purchasest Worst Idea from Uchumi Supermarket, Aristoc Booklex or Pizza Inn at Nandos.
For he who readeth it doth wring his arms and sayeth thus: "I have haha'd this chap."
Here endeth the lesson. Adiomus Veritus Cecoromus. Go in peace.
And in other news…
Twice in the past seven days I have found myself riding a boda in town, something I don’t usually do. It is both unsafe and unhygienic. It is on record that the National Boda Boda Association (NBBA) tests members’ underarms and will withhold an operator’s licence if the carbon concentration levels fall below a certain level of toxicity.
So there I am risking life, limb and laptop on this junkie's deathtrap, when he gets a sunny idea. To make your ride more pleasant, we shall provide on-board entertainment in the form of chummy and folksy banter such as, "What fine weather we are having," "Oh, these potholes. They are plentiful, aren't they?" and "How are you doing?"
The trouble with this is not so much that he concentrates less on the road as he speaks, the trouble is that a omusu crawled into his throat last week and died of constriction. It has been rotting in there since and the evidence of this is manifest every time he opens his mouth.
We need less blah blah, more vroom vroom, as they say.
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